Say Goodbye to Windows XP

Security Support for Windows XP Will End April 2014

After April 8th, 2013, Microsoft will no longer be supporting Windows XP, and that means no more security updates. Scammers are taking advantage of this.

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Identity Theft

Identity Theft Protection – Stay Safe With These Tips

Identity theft is what happens when someone, a criminal, takes on another person’s identity and uses it for any purpose, often nefarious or for personal gain.

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Internet Hoaxes

Spotting Fakes, Hoaxes, and Parodies on the Internet

There are many fake Websites and hoaxes out there. There are also a few excellent resources for checking them out.

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Updating Windows Security

Why it’s Important to Update Windows Security

Windows operating systems have a giant target on them, attracting hackers and malware makers who love to exploit system vulnerabilities. Make sure that your personal computer doesn’t have a large target on it by keeping it updated with the latest Windows security updates.

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Dangers Online

Securing Your Computer System

All of us who use a PC online should know of the dangers, and here we will list some basic techniques you can use to help protect yourself.

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Secure Your eBusiness

Make Your E-Business Inaccessible To Hackers

Computer hackers have been a problem for businesses and governments since the beginning of the computer age. Take a few steps to help protect your business from hackers.

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Tatu Ylonen

High Level Encrypted Data at Risk

Tatu Ylonen, inventor of the SSH encryption method, says many government agency’s and Fortune 500 company’s data is at risk of being stolen.

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Art Coviello

Art Coviello’s Security Predictions for 2013

Each year, Art Coviello of RSA makes predictions on where he thinks computer security is headed for the following year. Here are his predictions for 2013

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John McAfee Arrested

John MacAfee, Creator of Macaffe Anti-Virus, Arrested

John MacAfee, creator of Macaffe Anti-Virus, has been arrested in Guatemala.

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