Security Support for Windows XP Will End April 2014

Say Goodbye to Windows XP

Ah, good old Windows XP. I still have a computer that runs XP, plus I have upgraded a Windows 7 computer to the Professional version, so I could run the virtual XP (because of a database issue). But it’s almost time to say goodbye to Windows XP, at least to any security updates and tech support. According to Microsoft:

…if you are still using Windows XP, you should take action and upgrade to Windows 7 or Windows 8. After April 8, 2014, there will be no new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options, or online technical content updates.

If you intend to keep using XP, I would suggest updating any security fixes right before D-day, so you will at least be as up-to-date as possible, and then keeping your ear to the ground to hear about any hacks that are going around.

Phone Scams

Evidently to take advantage of this, there are some scammers, posing as Microsoft tech support employees, calling people on the phone to “let them know” about the demise of XP, and then having them download malicious software and asking for credit card info. Microsoft says:

Microsoft will not make unsolicited phone calls about computer security or software fixes. If you receive a call like this one, it’s a scam, and all you need to do is hang up. Find out how you can avoid tech support phone scams.

I just recently received a “tech support” call from a scammer. They didn’t say they were from Microsoft, but as soon as they started asking suspicious questions, I just said no and hung up on them. I will say, as always, NEVER give your credit card info out to someone who called YOU. If it is someone that you do business with, look up their number and you call THEM.  Learn what to do if you think you’ve been a victim of a scam.

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